Edited Collections

Bonnie N. Field and Shane Martin, editors. 2022. Minority Governments in Comparative Perspective (Oxford University Press).

Bonnie N. Field and Alfonso Botti, editors. 2013. Politics and Society in Contemporary Spain: From Zapatero to Rajoy (Palgrave Macmillan). [English-language, revised and extended version of La Spagna di Rajoy.]

Alfonso Botti and Bonnie N. Field, editors. 2013. La Spagna di Rajoy (Il Mulino).

Bonnie N. Field, editor. 2011. Spain’s “Second Transition”? The Socialist Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (Routledge). [Reprint of South European Society & Politics special issue 14.4.]

Reviewed in: European Politics and Policy Blog (April 2012); Journal of Contemporary European Studies (April 2014, v.22.1).

Bonnie N. Field, guest editor. 2009. Spain’s “Second Transition”? The Socialist Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (2004-08), a peer-reviewed special issue of South European Society & Politics, vol. 14, no. 4 (December).

Bonnie N. Field and Kerstin Hamann, editors. 2008. Democracy and Institutional Development: Spain in Comparative Theoretical Perspective (Palgrave Macmillan).

Reviewed in: West European Politics (November 2009, v32.6); South European Society & Politics (August 2010, v15.2).